TxCharter Education Jobs


Teach Iowa

Stanton, Iowa

Job Details

Job Description

Substitute Paraprofessional
  • Job Categories: Instructional Support > Substitute
    Instructional Support > Paraprofessional / IA
  • Equal Opportunity Employer

    All employers submitting a job opening for posting on the Teach Iowa system will not discriminate in hiring on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, age, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, marital status, or status as a veteran. A bona fide religious institution may choose to exercise the allowances in Iowa Code section 216.6.(6)d. Employers may have additional developed specific equal employment opportunity policies and procedures; please check with employers.

    Contact Information

    The content you submit, offer, contribute, attach, post, or display (each a “Submission”) will viewed by other users of the service who may or may not be accurately representing who they are or who they represent. Do not include any sensitive data in your submissions. Any submission or any use or reliance on any content or materials posted via the service or obtained by you through the use of the service is at your own risk. “Sensitive data” for purposes of this section means social security or other government-issued identification numbers, medical or health information, account security information, individual financial account information, credit/debit/gift or other payment card information, account passwords, individual credit and income information or any other sensitive personal data as defined under applicable laws.

    View this job online at http://txcharter.schoolspring.com/job?3403111