155 Salisbury Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Map of Dawson Elementary School
Phone:  508-829-6828
Fax:  508-829-6801
Web Site:  http://www.wrsd.net/dawson


K - 5th
Enrollment:  Not provided
Setting:  Not provided
District:  Wachusett Regional School District
Location Image

Welcome to Dawson Elementary School!
Our Mission is to develop our students' knowledge, skills, and talents to the fullest so that, in a community of learners, they can use that knowledge, skill, and talent to make the world a better place for all.

Teacher Salary & Benefits
Level Starting Maximum
Bachelors $38,000 $58,000
Masters $38,000 $65,000
Masters +30 $42,000 $68,000
Employer    Employee
Medical 75% 25%
Dental Not specified