1 Colonnade Place
Newark, New Jersey 07104
Map of McKinley School
Phone:  973-268-5270
Fax:  Not provided
Web Site:


PreK - 8th
Enrollment:  Not provided
Setting:  Not provided
District:  Newark Public Schools

Welcome to McKinley School!
McKinley School Vision
The McKinley School family/community strives to ensure our school reflects a caring, safe, and fair environment that fortifies academic, emotional, and behavioral excellence. With the support of our staff, parents, guardians, and community members we will guide children towards respecting themselves and others, while embracing the varied cultures of our society. We will utilize all of our resources to provide each student with a quality education in preparation for life, college, career, and beyond.
McKinley School Mission
The McKinley Elementary School Community believes that every child possesses talents, abilities and the genius to excel. The entire school community is committed to ensure that each child meets and exceeds their social, emotional and academic potential. We will use every resource available in the Greater Newark Community and beyond to provide enriching experiences, a nurturing and wholesome environment, and innovative instructional practices. As a result of our commitment and concerted efforts all students will learn!