50 Columbia Street
Watertown, Massachusetts 02472
Map of Watertown High School
Phone:  617-926-7760
Fax:  617-926-7723
Web Site:  http://www.watertown.k12.ma.us/whs/index.html


9th - 12th
Enrollment:  Not provided
Setting:  Not provided
District:  Watertown Public Schools

Welcome to Watertown High School!
Watertown High School Mission
The mission of Watertown High School is to nurture lifelong learners through examination of
human achievements, development of essential skills, and promotion of civic responsibility and
ethics. We are committed to a rigorous curriculum designed to foster students' growth as creative
and independent thinkers. We will provide a safe and nurturing environment in which students
and faculty have the opportunity to realize their potential.

Student Expectations
Students at Watertown High School will:
1. Exhibit proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in order to communicate
2. Foster creativity as an avenue of research and self-expression.
3. Use critical and analytical thinking skills in order to make effective decisions and solve
4. Employ technological skills to meet the demands of an evolving society.
5. Understand knowledge of the natural world and contributions of diverse cultures.
6. Develop skills for active and healthy lifestyles.

School Expectations
The Administration, Faculty, and Staff of Watertown High School will:
1. Offer a learning experience rich in diverse and innovative academic and co-curricular
2. Strengthen partnerships, which broaden student awareness of themselves and their world.
3. Encourage all students to pursue academic excellence.
4. Continue programs recognizing the background, diversity, and life experiences of all
5. Recognize the achievements of all constituencies in the high school community.
6. Advocate for adequate funding of programs.
7. Expand opportunities for effective professional development.

Community Expectations
Members of the Watertown High School Community will:
1. Be accountable and respectful in their behavior and actions.
2. Accept personal responsibility for pursuing their education.
3. Appreciate, understand, and respect individual and group similarities and differences.
4. Develop the skills necessary to resolve disagreements and reduce tension.
5. Participate in meaningful community and school activities.
6. Comprehend and acknowledge individual and group rights and responsibilities in the
community, state, nation and world.
7. Provide input on formulating school procedure.
8. Utilize the available counseling services effectively.