4515 Mangum RD
Houston, Texas 77092
Map of Southwest Elementary -Mangum
Phone:  7136880505
Fax:  Not provided
Web Site:


PreK - 5th
Enrollment:  Not provided
Setting:  Not provided
District:  Southwest Schools (Educational Leadership, Inc.)
Location Image

Welcome to Southwest Elementary -Mangum!

Southwest Schools is a premier open-enrollment charter school district of choice that meets the diverse needs
of students Pre-K through 12th grade by creating an inclusive community that fosters a strong sense
of self-worth. We understand that true learning is not based on standardized testing or college entrance,
but on offering a fulfilling educational experience that can be differentiated to meet the needs of all students.
We recognize that a successful education is one where boundaries are overcome, opportunities are
experienced and possibilities are realized. Our mission is to prepare college and career-ready students
for life-long success.

Teacher Salary & Benefits
Level Starting Maximum
Bachelors $53,000 $68,000
Masters $54,100 $69,100
Employer    Employee
Medical Not specified
Dental Not specified